Online Design
How Does It Work?
We provide garden design services in an online remote capacity for those of you who wish to save on design costs. The online nature of this service means that there are no site visits involved and all correspondence and design work is through email, phone, video calls, submission of a design brief or otherwise providing us with specifics of your existing garden characteristics This type of service however does have restriction and is completely reliant on the clients ability to forward as much detail and accurate measurements as possible, enough to allow us to complete precise working drawings.
In additional there is a maximum total garden space size of 120sq. m that can be designed remotely with an assurance that the plans will be implementable when it comes to the construction stage. A garden space beyond this size has generally too many variables to be able to design remotely.

If you have a larger garden but are still keen to have design work carried out remotely, we can still design portions of your garden (up to a max. of 120sq. m). How this designed space will fit in in the context of your overall garden space, is however challenging to envisage. A good overall description of your garden and as many photos or videos as you can provide us, will help significantly in this regard.
To assist you if you wish to use our online design service, you can fill in our downloadable online design form, or better still, check out our new Design Quotation Portal, were you can provide us with your full garden specifications and we can get working on providing you with a customised quotation, with your precise requirements in mind.
Online design doesn’t suit everyone but if you have a small garden space and a limited budget it might be the option for you. In addition, the online nature means that we can design your garden space with no additional site visit costs, regardless of where you are located.
Online design requires that you provide the details, the current condition of your garden and accurate measurements of the space. You need to be proficient in taking dimensions and using metric measurement (metres and centimetres).
We are completely reliant on you for that end of things and cannot take responsibility for any inaccuracies that may occur in the plans produced due of imprecise measurements being provided to us. That said if you feel you can manage it, it would have the upshot of saving you fees that you would incur for the surveying of a garden space and any resultant travel cost. It also means that you can avail of our design services no matter where you are located.
If you choose an online design option, you will be emailed a form to be filled out which will detail the requirements necessary for us to design and produce your garden plan(s). This would include a design brief, a questionnaire, measurements and a number of photos and video of your garden from different aspects. We highly recommend that you check out our Design Quotation Portal and submit your garden specifications and requirements to be assured of an accurate quotation and precise working drawings.